Go-kart – Gyöngyös

The lovers of speed can test their abilities between Gyöngyös and Mátrafüred in two places.

  1. Mátra Ring, Go-kart track
    It is located between Gyöngyös and Mátrafüred by the main road No 24.
    Contacts: Phone: +36 70 223 9865
    E-mail: matraring.gokartpalya@gmail.com
    Website: www.matraring.atw.hu
  2. Mátra Kart – Indoor Go-kart track
    It is located between Gyöngyös and Mátrafüred by the main road No 24, to the right at the garden centre. Go-kart for children, too!
    Contacts: Phone: +36 70 257 8339
    Website: www.matra-kart.hu
    E-mail: matrakart@matrakart.hu

Source: https://www.gyongyos-matra.hu/aktivan-a-matraba/tovabbi-lehetosegek/gokart/